Monday, January 3, 2011


A few of my favorite recent quotes from my four year old philosopher:

1. Grandma, I have an idea. I've been thinking that when I wear my new princess pajamas, I should wear my princess underwear to match.

2. We watch the ball drop. The bal lis a timer and when it drops, we get to yell "Happy New Year" and jump up and down and then it's bedtime.

3. Daddy, when Jameson grows up, he's going to be a policeman and when Jacob grows up, he's going to be a policeman, too. (Brian)- Are you and Katharine going to be policemen, too, when you grow up? (Elizabeth)- No, we're going to be lawyers.

4. Mommy, pretend you didn't ask me to get the blanket for you. Here you go, Mommy. I got the blanket without even having to be asked.

5. Christmas is about giving. I like giving and I like people giving to me.

6. Wouldn't it be cool if we were all giants and couldn't fit in our car?


  1. I love Ellie! She is too cute! I love that she's so helpful without being asked. You are so lucky!

  2. I love the things that come out of four year olds mouths.
